Then we could not break anything that is world guarded
About 1/16 Servers have 1 - 2 Adins, we are one of those servers. I suggest that we are able to apply for admin on either a single gamemode or...
Much coffee Much wow
Now you're not a "Moderator" anymore D:
Bump :)
No, You can't type anything into chat...
How many booties are in that pile?
Ign: Skylanderdavid I can not get in game to show screenshots, as my computer is broken. Can you just do /p h skylanderdavid? If I win, I will...
He also looks like one too :t
Have a cookie, at least you tried...
Why would we need a second version?
Things like this has been suggested, many, many times before. Cyp stated that he will not be adding Helpers, trial/Jr. Moderators, etc., for a...
Yes, also known as a glitch.
We still be #ShepSkrubs on the inside still <3
Pops and Anna are the new grayson x2
Yes, but only once, as it's a bug.
Put some thought into it. You want people to know that people are supporting, which makes them want to support. That makes a final conclusion...
Omg that booty Swiggity swoogity coming for dat booty