yeah sure, he only survives because of that slime pet glitch...SO ANNOYING!
Yup, pretty much.
yyass the terrorr has dialed down now!
How shall we never speak of this if it has already been spoken of? HMMMMMMMM?
no. I totally clutched a sword fight tho
Mookiezz... remember that time on winter when i had half a heart as human and you were all i saw on my screen,(you were infected) and i still...
Well I can't pvp for es
I was thinking of doing a vote-like system where people could vote on who is op on each server and in the end I could tally the votes up
90% of shaders
Yeah, I want to get MVP, but I know that Elite is nice. My vote is for Elite
I want to know who to stay away from if I want to go on a server that i don't usually play on. (just in case) I, however, am not a noob on this...
Ikr! and you're fiesty...not evil
you're scared of someone...wat?
It's 4 in the morning... I have problems.
Eatin foods
U dont hack, but still bro...
Nightfire is the most terrifying person on infection, he has a glitch between p7 and p6, so he has the 3 shot infected bow... and eggs. on top of...
infection,creative, or BvZ