U know what THANK YOU
When it first came holy cow it was crowded and laggy
Wow lol
ok I guess
I support trust me,but how noob crew is going to pull it off :/
Hey Cyp works hard for the server and that's how you repay him.DISGRACE!!!!
Dude when are people having their ranks back in skywars IT HAS BEEN 3 MONTHS
Yup same in skywars but Guess what Noobcrew doenstn care
It has to be like in space but nice job
I live in a igloo with a computer and a wifi box
They won't that's how Mineverse is LIArs and they don't care
Ok so people lost rank in skywars many of you probably already know.BUT REEALLLY ALMOST 3 MONTHS many people have paid 5-100$ for that specific...
1.(And only one) A Mistubshi evo from 2'fast 2feruis movie XD
No support
old lobby is better BRUH
Who is the SKYWars king?(kurosoul XD)
I agree
Hi CypriotMerks im sorry to bother you,but there has been a incident that people in skywars havw lsot their rank including me and other people so...
no thats all
1. kurosoul 2.mmeth 3.hacking very obvious to other players and also obvious in the photo. 4. Evidence: [ATTACH]