@Chloyybear4ever Please show me the video you have of me supposedly hacking.
Ignoration is the action of ignoring something, or being ignored. Another definition for it is the state of being ignorant.
I did /seen and it said 12 minutes, I was setting up Bandicam and my settings so it took that long. He banned me at 8:26, that's when I took the...
I swear to you, I don't hack. I have video proof and screenshots of the exact moment he banned me of my minecraft, my launcher, my versions...
Why can I not view the video? And I sent you two messages, I would of fit it in to one but it said no more than 420 characters can be written. How...
Let me point out that you also said that I could have the video proof to see if you missed anything, I've asked you multiple times and you just...
Really? Because you constantly keep deleting my messages and you've only told me once, yesterday. When you denied my appeal having no mercy...
Chloyybear4ever false banned me for hacking, refused to give me video proof, and now is ignoring me when I made a new ban appeal and sent him...
Ign: BlueCharmander12 Game mode banned on: KitPvP Link to accepted appeal:...
What is your in-game-name: BlueCharmander12 How old are you : 14 What rank are you: VIP From 1to10 how good are you PvPing: 9 For how many hours...
Your ingame name: BlueCharmander12 The offender's ingame name: Abandoned_God A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Being...
Your ingame name: BlueCharmander12 The offender's ingame name: M007River A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect...
I'm in the lobby right now.
I'm ban glitched.. For KitPvP Link to accepted appeal: Timezone: EST Proof:
hi bae
On the mature part, I honestly don't think you can rate your own maturity, but in my opinion you're fairly mature in-game and can handle various...
Your ingame name:BlueCharmander12 The offender's ingame name:RobertLottie A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Hacking...
Player name: Punisher135709 My IGN: BlueCharmander12 Reason: Admitting to hacks Proof: Screenshots