I know but you can also buy it for a cheap price too.
No support, some people might pay to get a rank ONLY for this perk. If non-donors can get this perk, that will ruin most of the point of getting a...
Daily Bump.
omg look up "living in the sunlight" I've been looking for this song for years!!! :P Oh and my dog is snoring...
oke doke then
To Be Honest
Tbh plz
Hmm I don't know... @Badlerner @PandaBear__ @thorraks1 I see how your pick de-enchants and super breaker is WAY slow... Theres like no spam breaking
its a private vid. I can't watch it
you look tired
Thank you!
Well I'm about to get on in a while. =D
Support Count: 67!i!i!i!i! Now support count: 4...
That doesn't work
On a PC?
Fixed it!
oh uuhh btw how do I upload a JPG pic. I wanna show you guys my true identity but there's always an error
I'm a pickle on the INSIDE.