I've bolded some parts of your message. I am quite popular and by doing that I have made some friends and enemies. My enemies are the people I...
dewd christmas dubstep
wtf really you beat me by listening to that
I'm all for being a polite human being but he has gone past the point of receiving basic human manners.
ur sig tho. and people say IM immature...
humamahmahmuhmahmahmahmah! ducky rated my post agree! Tis a christmas miracle!
What could you possibly be doing that would need you to be faster then going to your plot?
I listen to skrillex and meaningful country music. and anti skillbill music
I think this would need someone to develop it and the server doesn't currently have full time developers. Would it not hide players in PvP as...
You have a plot for a reason.
oniontacobean @Kubasliz ® Calling me gay & using "gay" as a negative term [ATTACH]
Lol you are such a dork. If you could not be such a bandwagon that would be amazing.
That is not at all why I rate you negatively. Also its not even rate abuse lol I simply dislike how you are in game and I do not want to you to...
You are like nine tops. Please don't question me or how I act. You probably throw hissy fits if Mrs. Honeybottom gives you a mean look you...
Inb4 getting mod and banning me...
Lol be serious buddy you just dislike me because I've killed you a lot.
OH I NEED TO SEE THIS! I haven't logged on to prison in a while. I hope its not TOO bad.