@Oppil (Oppil2002) [IMG]
A banner or a profile pic?
It's photoshop cc.
I don't understand, what's 'it'. .-.
You can put that as your signature for now if you want. It's 1:40 am for me and I got school so I'll do a smaller version tomorrow. Ok? :)
@Nightfire88539 [IMG]
Wait, is this going to be a banner or profile pic because I'm confused .-.
@derpyturtle101 [IMG]
Any ideas on what you want? :) Like a banner or a profile pic?
If you could give me your ign that would help alot :)
The best minds think alike. ;P
Changed to a support. I said previously, "I've never ever seen you either on forums or in-game". Now you are like in every thread I see, you are...
I've been recently studying into the art of Photoshop in my own time. So I am taking in requests for free (for now) to practice my skills on. So I...
Support. It will convince people to behave more.
This is stupid. Before your hunger gets to 3, you would of been teleported to your next area so there's no effect by it.
Ign: Skillbill63 Pls i fen choose me
This won't help.
Good idea. But I think Cyp and Crew probably have more important things to do.