Hello c:
Hello master of the sheep.
The awkward moment when you insult an ethnic group, and you're talking to a member of that ethnic group.
Kitpvp= Decent OPFacs= 10 votes OP= Decent Prison= 10 votes Survival= 20 votes Basically this is just 20 days of votes and a somewhat decent...
Goodbye Hidden :/, hope you enjoy Philip's server and do a good job there
You''d fire him? He's not a mod anymore.. :t:
*doublefacepalm* Please read the context this is in, he's saying a punishment for false reports..
He is a farm tool now? Thought he was an -hat... things change so quickly.
Tbh pls
I'm in no way "telling you what to do", I'm just saying I see this way too often and would appreciate if you actually considered why you were...
Please just wait patiently, I'm sure it will be handled soon.
Signature.. :t:
Vampiric_Hunter AliveNiggah Caps http://prntscr.com/5cqdff
[IMG] What the section you need to go to should look like. [IMG] In the top right you can click "Post New Thread" and make an appeal.
The ban appeal section along with the report section have been set to private viewing(Only Staff can see them), if you wish to look at your own...
The end result of this thread isn't to make every single person abide by the rules, it's simply to say a few reasons why I don't like people...
There's still people abusing the right to report staff.
Okay, so I see many Staff reports now-a-days that are targeting members of the staff team for basically anything they do. The entire point of a...