Why would you bump a news thread?
Reasons it can: Everything Can't: You can pick up items then fix them. Anyway, I'm pretty sure you have a grudge on me.
Just saying, it should be /fix armour or fix all.
I think it's called OP Pvp mate.
Could you please change your profile pic, I think it's somebody important, then I see its sum uglee nub.
I think there should be /fix for titans and gods on OP PVP. Hopefully this can be a new perk. <3
[IMG]This is it m8. GG
It's pretty self-explanatory. :) Mine's Shadow Lugia Post yours!
[IMG] This took me 9 months to solve <3
I'm sorta 95/5. You're great in general, but you can take support without reasons, but not Non supports, you can't. I think you'd be alright. Good...
This would solve HEAPS of problems.
Please also tell me why you support/don't. :D
Thanks Guyz <3
Right click On "Bunto's Pack" On the left side, then press download as ZIP
Here it is! It has Green low fire, a cool title and neat lava. https://mega.co.nz/#F!wsZXyaxZ!F9f2as4EoUTEcV-f1pXTKQ @PandaBear__
I've done it before :P
Thanks <3
I'm actually on a lot on creative. Thanks <3