what happened
do u wanna keep it?
what do you mean
Thank you everyone
YAY /pet is back but not /d
Yes /pet is BACK!!
not me
EVERY staff member
Your Ingame Name: logfin825 Rank: Elite Rate yourself from 1-10: 7 or 8 Do you know me?: Yes Have you teamed with me?: Yes I have
I wouldnt want that to happen
np i added @__EliteGamer__
@sam! (samfordlenihan) @blueninja360 @Nightfire88539(maybe) @xGamerBoyzx @henriford123 @juljul232 @__EliteGamer__ (and more I cant remember)
301 posts
mine is 47
No way
I think that you should be able to use 3 eggs per round and 10 arrows. (its just my opinion)
Bye :(
what was the new rule that ruined prestige 6-10?
Its halloween yay :)