Your supporting your own app? Lol Sorry but no support. You need to be more active on the forums.
Support! :) Good luck!
Good luck!
If you give up on your app, ask a moderator to lock it for you.
Gravedug? I don't think so
Support. More detail won't pinch ya! ;)
No support. Needs detail and colours. I will changed my mind until you have improved your app. Good luck ;)
Add colour and more detail. No support until you have improved your application. Good luck! ;)
Support but more detail and colours please. :)
Needs 100% more detail and colour and please use the correct format. No support until you have improved your app. Good luck!
Detail and colour would be nice. No support for now.
Thanks for your opinion. May I ask why you don't support?
But now I'm more active on the forums! :) Thank you for the Good luck!
Thank you very much :)
I will report her if she copied
Thank you
I'm sorry for doing that but I'm just letting the player having some ideas
The colours are hurting my eyes! I need to go to specsavers! SUPPORT. Yes please change the colours