Any thoughts? :P
Hey!! <33 thank you :t: Ohaider! :>
rocks are cool.
Ahoy! That is one talented cat, :lock:
They work fine for me? :L
Sounds fun, but more detail on how to play it and such, Would be good, know what I mean...
Xbox all day erry day :t:
Don't have Xbox Live, don't have the money for it, or the internet :(
Hiya! :) Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay.
Hiya! :) Forca Barca!
Hiya! :woot:
Is this a report, cause it kinda looks like one, Anyway's welcome?
Hello! :)
Hurts when the person you like, decides to change schools..
Haven't eaten in 7 hours, lets try and make 12 hours, ayyy?
Information: Alright, so today I was thinking, what if we added Watch Dogs to Mineverse, sounds weird huh, lol not the actual game, but something...
1600 positive ratings, <33
Support, I liek candy.
Thanks, I think I've already been bitten though :t: