Thanks <3
Support you always stay calm and you don't rage or curse you seem very mature thats why I give my support! :) Good Luck
Danke SSMH :) . thanks bows ;)
NP :)
Support you are nice and you are very helpful when I see you on you deserve Mod
You don't deserve it : 1. Get more known/comfortable with the forums. 2. You have a history of hacking. 3. Your app needs way more detail (Edit...
When you said that comment before it was considered a bump so stop spamming your thing
Then whats the point?
Great I love playing turf wars should get implemented
On infection elite and supreme can't use colour code or /feed even tho MVP can this should be fixed
Bump *-*
Ign: hunter88092 my Ign: juljul232 Rule they broke: swearing Screenshots/evidence: how do I post screenshots?
I didn't vote at that time so on that day I had 29 same as bakes
@jedijosiah buying a rank doesn't mean your rich it means you want to have more perms also support. So what if you brag just ignore them.
lol Im god
As I play infection a lot I like to see new maps and I like this one quite a lot SUPPORT! :)
Support you know why howe ;)