Support. Nothing else needs to be said. ;)
<3 Thanks Rakion. Never show and never tell. ;)
<3 Thanks, and bump means to make the thread be seen by more people. (So that it is in the recent threads section)
Bump :)
Remember that Skype call. The screams where real.
Subscribe ;)
The link where it leads you to Mojang's official website says that they will continue to develop Minecraft with its updates even though Microsoft...
That same title from SB :t: Anyways, hi.
OMGEEE, its Demon :) Welcome
i love chu
Pile, you're kewl. :)
Support ;)
Support, I believe we only have 1 person from Asia who moderates. I think we need more :P :) Good luck.
Read 'this' quick comic to find ways to make your password harder. The more randomness your password has, the harder it is to crack/hack.
Next time I come back to the Philippines, should we meet up since we couldn't last time? O.o
Thanks Brian J :) You had me there for a second ;) Appreciate the support. The MC is suppose to be MineCraft, but I don't mind being called Kewl...
Thanks <3 <3 <3
This happens to me too lol. When you are on minecraft (on the server) press F3 then A. (F3 being the function 3)
Thanks for supporting :)