Support <3
No support sorry but a little more details and some Color then SUPPORT.
Am i your best friend Dont kill me @MrParkourGuy is a nub agree?
No support but good luck.
Ilysm @HipsterChick <3
i see how it is max
not enough details
Ok but I won't I will be on tommrow I'm in trouble so I can't get on today
Sorry i will add u nao <3
ilysm <3 <3
NOT ADVERTISING FOR THIS IS ONE OF NOOBCREW'S SERVER the server that got me started on MINEVERSE i first joined and i was like D:...
it has for me
Why aren't you Mod yet? GET IT NAOOOOOO
Step 1. Become more active. Step 2. Know the community Step 3. Get [Mod] :D Good luck
thanks but I'm not home atm Im on my phone just tell me your ign And I will msg u in game when I get back