#Machine 2 On start up hit f12 and restore to HDD thats factory settings but u have a bootleg windows it makes ur pc brand new
I was playing with command prompt and I typed /del tree system32 now my pc takes me to Enlarge your Guinea pig Ads wht do I do :bitenails:
Come back u were the best ;-;
Beff, You are a true friend you have helped me in times of need , you're truly a wizard and I would be honored if you became head-guard I wont be...
Amazing guard You deserve ur position back
when is the prison gonna get reset and plz remove that fwaking bedrock 1.8 has that bairrer block sheet nukkah
I had a convo with this "Guy" but anyways Claimes he has a Botnet and He grabs Ip's through Tcp connection so dont answer calls from him if you do...
Grayson with the real link you can find the ip of the user that created it I skype resolved him all leads go to Proxies , I can find the real Ip...
Real website Link Pm me one of u I could possibly "Temporarily Disable" The site Depending on if "The Staff is ok with it"
[9/7/2014 8:46:36 PM] trong: bic boi Talking to Zsimplicity its scary [9/7/2014 8:46:39 PM] trong: ily [9/7/2014 8:46:40 PM] trong: im...
No problem
*Bless you*
*Cough* :happy:
You deserve it ur a good friend and u will make a awesome Guard :)
Support :p
Support , Scofu has all the requirements needed to be Warden he is a good friend of mine and I think he would be perfect for the job, he is Good...