My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: Swag_Lizard797 Alleged Rule Breaking: Fast Bow Proof: [media]
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: jujumonky Alleged Rule Breaking: Explicit Language Proof: [media]
My Ingame name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: Craftychaser365 Alleged Rule Breaking: Glide Hack Proof: [media]
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: PvPWarLord_Jr Alleged Rule Breaking: Kill Aura Proof: [media] Notice: Wait until towards...
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: PinkLady619 Alleged Rule Breaking: Bow Hack & Anti KB Proof: [media]
My Ingame name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: antfenon & Pokefan22122 Side Notice: This isn't Pokefan's first time cursing, check out...
My Ingame name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: pro_crafter10 Alleged Rule Breaking: Hacking w/ Jump hacks and Speed Proof: [media]
With Great Power, Comes Great Electrical Bill
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Names: Apu_Poik4 & MRcreeper172 Alleged Rule Breaking - Apu_Poik4= Kill Aura & Fast Bow...
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: TheGreatMiner987 Alleged Rule Breaking: Bow Hacks Proof: [media]
@ColtonGibbsWall Yeah they screw with you pretty badly xD Well thanks for the shapport :p
@HyperPigman I was actually feeling the same way lol but I ran out of colors >_< but thanks for dah shappwat dood :P
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: Imaginesafety Alleged Rule Breaking: Bow Hacks Proof: [media]
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: Snowboard_Junkie Alleged Rule Breaking: Bow Hacks Proof: [media]
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: erensenel Alleged Rule Breaking: Fly Hacks Proof: [media]
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: technotim75 Alleged Rule Breaking: Kill aura, however I am not too sure about it. I will...
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: blowuptoday123 Alleged Rule Breaking: Profanity (Still Continued After 3 Warnings & Told...
@MaxNinja10 Yeah, thanks for telling me and thanks for the support!
I have no idea :/ I'm not a moderator, so you will have to wait and see what they do about this.
Great Report & Evidence, what they did was wrong and hopefully, they will be punished