to what do you promote me for 1300$ on kitpvp
ah ok
conor walton, for 1 million on factions to what would u upgrade me ?
Your ingame name: LunaticMC The offender's ingame name: _gewoonjeroen_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: spamming[ATTACH]
Your ingame name: LunaticMC The offender's ingame name: baccaslayer12 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming[ATTACH]
Well that is not exactly that much XD definently not enough for titan, that money is wurth sponser rank
Dont leave us dude, cant u get unban. We dont want u to leave :(
I just became an active member !
It is premium
I just became a active member ! Im realy like it XD
Welcome bro, im reacting on somebody that came earlier in this server then me XD
Welcome bro :)
Crazyred bro how's it going !
Hi dude ! Welcome.
Sup bro how y doing
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Fendodo, you are a great guy. I totaly believe that u would give them the ranks. If i may ask, can u upgrade me to if i give u money/stuff on...
That dude his name is Lunatic to XD just to be clear my name is LunaticMC