:'( Your very mean
i mean XD i played since the demo version
but what if commanders spam /heal every 10 minutes1
1st of all i'm not a kid i'm 21 ;) and 2nd of all north carolina is known for earthquakes.go to news and search it i don't like to argue....one of...
Bye Amazing Pvper
sorry i mean i live in Olklahoma
Well you all know this swag Sponge in the sea now to tell my intro's and other stuff Where are you from? i'm known as spongebob and i live in...
quad crafters has it.....:worm:
i think quadcrafters had a unbreaking V and sharpness V , fire aspect II And knockback II and Smite IV
Buntoaga 3 yr old's are like this :( *3 yr old sees super cell* "MY LIFE IS SO UNFAIR"3 yr old said XD
Nope i've been traveling over 12 yrs and i'm now in Oklahoma 4 yrs ago i still know that MORE cause i've reviewed it :D
Warning Very Scary : if you are under 7 you are gonna scream ! [IMG]
You are very wrong sir! that is a turbine injected fury tornado in oklahoma it record was the most fear of many people and that is no SUPER cell...
incorrection North Carolina Has EarthQuakes too!
actually the biggest 1 in all year was this photo i documented in april , 5 , 2014 [IMG]
dude if a mod sees this.....i almost don't want to tell you :'(