Ratcherclanks can you please look at my appeal like come on
i didnt know the age limit so
How old are you? 14 Your in-game name: God_Of_PvP14 What timezone are you in? Eastern Time What country do you live in? United states (America)...
the reason i said i was 21 because i wasnt sure how old you have ot be
1.i dont hack 2. vicernice is my cousin and vicernice14 is his skype name. im new to mineverse so shut up and you hack with your auto disconnect
lier u still banned
you sped it up wtf
how does this show i hack because i dont
what you mean
Your ingame name:God_Of_PvP14 The offender's ingame name: SneakBedrock A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He used hacks...