Soooooo, I guess "pitt_bulls" is not your MC user?
I thought so too... But apparently not. Ok, thank you so much. I will!
Do you know of any way I can specifically get ahold of the admins?
Dear Noobcrew, LOVE the server, and have been a fan of it for a long time (though I'm new to this website). I'm unfortunately trapped in one of...
Well, my hair style is called a "JewFro", and that's my nickname to all of my friends. And 29 is my favorite number. So, yeah. :P
So if someone, ANYONE, could help us, that would be amazing!
Really? Do you have any idea who did it to you?
I'm free for the next few minutes if someone needs me on there to try to help me out! Please?
Please, can someone please help me! Some jerk (I know he has "Dragon" in his username. Didn't see the rest of it) trapped me (JewFro29) in a...