I like it CypriotMerkz
Zunkish said a death threat to me can you please mute him or ban him please
He said kill your self to me
Zunkish said a death threat to me can you please ban him or mute him please
Waniel_ and supdave keep saying I'm bad at pvp and it bothers me can you please ban them or mute them please
2ober said give me all your money or els I report you he said can you please mute him or ban him please
Kaden4y did racist on me can you please mute him or ban him please
Mexcraft2425 said another server ip can you please ban him
Aeontriquetra keeps saying I'm bad at pvp can you please mute him or ban him
Player ImHardRightNow keeps calling me ezz and saying I'm bad and it bothers me and makes me mad can you please mute him or ban him please
BlitzTiger keeps bullying people and me can you please mute him or ban him please
Astrokid40 was scamming me when I was pvping can you please ban him?