I Love Mineverse! But It Stinks Because I Get Lagged Of Archer PvP Everytime I Get On, But Used To LOVE Archer PvP
Mineverse thanks for the good moderators
Hello! I am getting good at towny and love it!
I am geting into towny! Yay!
Blueman05 Can I Join You In Bermuda Please?
My Ign is jacobw5 on Minecraft! Hope to see you!
BirdNBear is BFF on Mineverse! Great player at Bedwars and more! Thanks for being your awesome self BirdNBear, A.K.A Bird
Tell me if you wanna team on Bedwars or wanna be friends
Trying to be a moderator and a good example like Blueman
Also of Mineverse staff is amazing, Blueman05 has helped lots!
K thanks
Thanks Stacker7 I followed if u want to back! Thanks again!
Mineverse is the best server possible! Thanks mineverse!
Thanks so much Stacker7!
With everyone's help for the requirements and things I might be a moderator! But it's probably hard to be one! :(
Also what is the 2fa thing that is a requirement?
I applied without the requirements and it says I have 48 hours, what's that mean?
Thank you I figured it out! Thanks so much for y'all's help! I love Minecraft! Woohoo go Mine verse!
Thanks so much Blueman05! Big Help!
Do I Have to have the requirement s then apply?