Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: zJade The offender's exact ingame name: kika_k19 A...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: zJade The offender's exact ingame name: DaViper101 A...
IGN : Rizec IL0veYou Detah Threat [ATTACH]
IGN:ItsJade Hacker: BentLegs Kill aura [MEDIA]
IGN:ItsJade Hacker: tobbbs Toggle : He does not miss any hits hitting me when i am not near him and WHEN HE PEARLS HE TURNS AROUND Towards me...
IGN:ItsJade Hacker: Jakobdragon1 Kill aura trigger Look at 0:32 u see he does a 360 and starts hitting me [MEDIA]
Support 100%
IGN : ItsJade Hacker : MyRiskk Fly [MEDIA]
IGN: ItsJade Hacker : Dakoootra_420 No Slowdown Jesus Kill Aura [MEDIA]
IGN : ItsJade Hacker : Bobthehobo55 AlexAu79 GoogleRights Mrkidneb B hopping Jesus [MEDIA]
IGN:ItsJade Hacker : xXDuckComboXx [MEDIA]
IGN : ItsJade Hacker : RiceGun___ [MEDIA]
IGN : ItsJade Hackers: DarkKillJoy, FI_Mirai, SuperDragus, Sniper4k Speed Hacks Kill aura [MEDIA]
IGN : ItsJade Hacker: DarkKillJoy Hacking kill aura [MEDIA] Kill aura 0:13 sec
ign : ItsJade Hacker: GreatWorrior3 Fly [MEDIA]
Ign : ItsJade Hacker : Dylars Flying [MEDIA]
Ign : ItsJade Hacker: valquacks B hopping kill aura [MEDIA]
Ign : ItsJade Hacker : Dark_neko83 Speed Hacks [MEDIA]
Ign: ItsJade Hacker: TheDragonGore haks lol [MEDIA]
My IGN : ItsJade Hacker: Solar_Radiation He is b hopping [MEDIA]