So I attacked him and he said he was kingdp and he was banned then I asked him if he was lVlV and he said yes.
Someone said he had my Skype
I did /seen iKoN_Jelly and he was banned
I don't like it when people threaten me :(
Yeah boi!
No support.
It is pointless to have pets on KitPvP or OP PvP. No player would be able to pet hide in a trap on KitPvP, Less bans.
Because this will make it so scammers can't scam them and the player gets to see what they are buy before they pay the owner. Less people would...
Please do whatever you can to punish this player.
He said to someone to kill themselves irl.
Well this is what he said in chat :(
He told me to slit my throat :/ Thanks for looking at this report
Here is proof this player said that your gonna get hit offline.
So ArexCraft123 told me that he was piedontlie5225 on minechat And piedontlie5225 is banned.
He is using aura at 0:13 Then he hits me when he is aiming at my friend and I was in the water at 1:02 [MEDIA] This it my proof he is hacking.
He messaged me my name and I have no clue who he is.
He told me to kys in chat