Hi pile, we have a problem with infection. Its buggy and glitchy. Cant hit and there's problems to and from a new map. Please sort this! Thankyou <3
Infection server is not working, there is glitches and bugs. You cant hit and theres problems to and from the map.Please can you do...
SURGE Its urgent
Hi Surge, would you be able to have a look at the infection server. We are experiencing some issues with gitches, you can not hit people and the...
Hi, I'm noodle_destroyer and I'm from the United Kingdom, I'm 16 and love PvP as well as Mineverse ;)
My IGN:- noodle_destroyer Offenders' IGN: AgentIsHere Rule Broken: Very Rude/Being very disgusting AgentIsHere was typing in the parkour chat...
My IGN: noodle_destroyer Offenders IGN name: P4U3 Rules Broken: Hackusation I was on Infection this morning where i was fighting as a zombie. I...
why accept griefing i spent loads of time on my island and the wreck it and someone took all my stuff!
My IGN: noodle_destroyer Offenders IGN: Linosa456 and CookieBiteSniper Rule Broken: Grieving, they are breaking my island for resources Evidence:...
Offenders IGN: Linosa456 and Cookie bite sniper My IGN: noodle_destroyer Date/Time: Thursday 13th November 2014 16:15 pm Evidence: screenshots I...
IGN: CrafteyBrandon Date and time 29/10/14 Time: 16:39 (UK Time.) Reason: He said he will ddos another player and threating to scraping into...
heres the last 2
here are the other ones
here are the screenshots: Also there on right now and can you kind of hide my name becuase my name is my IGN and i dont want any abuse from them...
IGN: YidoHarry and Crafetybrandon Date/time: Around 15:00 (UK time) Date: 29/10/14 Reason: YidoHarry giving abuse to CrafetyBrandon and Than...
IGN: Marcanator12 Date/Time: 29/10/2014 13:05 pm (UK Time) Reason: Fly Hacking Evidence: Screenshots. (The guy in the sheep skin Gettz also seen...
Heres another one screenshot of vasko. More foul language
Mainly vasko is doing all of the swearing.
Here are the screenshots: There is the screenshot