Support. I would like to customize my armor :)
I got hacked
dude please come on infection theres a hacker!!!!
Whatup homies?
Support but Don't banned me lol!
Nice pic
Good luck hope you pass.
Ah ok
What up
Wtf worst deal ever
Yo night how you doin you know me?
im going to need help I'm going to need help
CypriotMerks, I'm having problems trying to post a picture on a thread everytime I press upload a file it says error. What can you do to help me?
Can you check my thread plz its in Bugs/exploits i lost my infection levels.
Never mind I got it sorry for wasting your time
Lola can I have help with reporting something plz?
are you infection mod?
During a restart in infection I lost all my levels how do I get them back?