A great mod on both servers c; Hope you'll continue modding someday :)
c; you know you are
When I see bald people, I think of you.
Hope you don't get blown away c;
You posted this o my profile in 2015 I remember c;
I didn't realize this many net players on mineverse c;
hey c:
No Support. You don't seem mature enough. Have patience when waiting for people to respond. At least get your grammar correct. Your mod app seems...
Lol, so weird not seeing you with the mod title cx
a wild layla c;
on .net? :3
<: bored right now, wbu?
hiii lol cx
Support. Tough I've only been on for a while, you seem friendly, but not pushover friendly. You're helpful, and personally, I think you qualify....
Omg yes, this would be so much more helpful. I might've not been on mineverse as long as many of you have, but I know that there are things that...