Get on ts
Watch between 10-20 realy carfully he was Hitting vJigglez then killed the Guy in no armor Well just running beside him and pause right on 10 sec...
@HyperPigman Is this hacks right pause right oin 10sec
Your ingame name:Happysap The offender's ingame name Philip320 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Hacking...
Sorry for the Double Post
Do u know when the Ban appeal thing is going to be fixed if not thank you for reading anyway :)
Hey do u know when the ban Bug thing is finished If not thanks for reading anyway :)
and why zoomed in u might have hacks in the top corner or bottom corner
invalid evidnce
jerr1281 hax he taght me how to dowmload haxx sorry mr jerry buy its time for u to get bann with kit god !!!
server down for maintence or is it me ?
i tagged him only twice dosent mean i use hax
have u heard of lukez14 well hes ma team he was down there
the could of been me but u just saw me get tagged by happsap