There is a person on gta named IGN:imonfleek He Is telling you I will give you titan rank if you help ne with my server.I did not fall for this...
I can't record so just close it..I would think that's enough but I guess not
Ok so on the minigame "The Climber" A hacker was using speed hacks kill aura and anti kb.I have no video evidence except for the fact he was...
death_bomb is his name and he said he knows the guy was using kill aura because he used to hack but maybe he still does hack providing evidence at...
IGN: Death_bomb
Ok so i dont know if this counts but a player IGN:Death_bomb was killed by someone he thought was a hacker. he said he knew it was kill aura cause...
How do you get a minigun or feather in gta?
if your gonna post a vid of someone hacking,or not hacking,dont record you hacks -_- Bai :D
it shows you with your hacked client huzini.... and i was in a video for once :D
you had to add that ----- third link,i just woke up
when i would hit you guys i would look at you qith kill aura would have been flying back and also i would be hitting you two at the...
even MORE disrespect
guy scammed me he logged off he promised he would not scam me
heres disrepect in this picture or screenshot
this guy said i was scsamming him cause i killed him and i told him thats not scamming and then he said yes it is and then i said scamming is...
so this guy i killed him that was my plan and he says imma report you and he said he was gonna do that for scamming but thr thing is i didnt scam...
disrespecting me cause im not letting him use my spawner -_-
this person is making fun of me and disrespect
wow i cant even makes me wanna cry for one party she makes fun of my DEAD brother and he are screenshots of her saying innaporiate things and it...
this person was advertising heres proof