I don't know if this is enough proof but he kept going back to the block he fell from instantly. Also he almost flew part of level 9 till he got...
That disrespect aimed at me though by the way new ingame name ShakeyPvP_
[media] He said tpa for team
I don't know if this is enough proof but he said tpa for a sharp 30 [media]
Ok! let me just say the rubberband thing on kitpvp is driving me crazy I've already lost 2sets of p4 to it and I've been playing for about 20mins...
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I was pvping him with some other people (he has a knockback 10 sword) and then he starts calling us niggas because we are running when he's...
I saw him/her using fast bow in the enchanting room spawn and asked if they hacked and they said yes the proof is attached
rather than having 2 use /bukkit:me which is ilegal chat
But don't elites get /me on kitpvp
Isn't that classed as Ilegal chat?
I bought elite and thought it didn't come with /me on kitpvp but then I saw some MVP's using it so I started to wonder. When I asked a mod about...
Sorry there isn't any proof but it wont work can you please check him out soon he killed all my team and nearly killed me
omg the proof didn't work
RubyShards Hacking on kitpvp using no knock back hacks, fastbow, kill aura and noslowdown I didn't get the kill aura and no knock back recorded...
Proof coming in about2mins
Using no knock back hacks on op pvp sorry forgot the proof in this one
Neromos is using no knockback hacks and kill aura for proof check out the video on my youtube channel or click the link [media]
Rach do u need a yt to post hacking vids??? Help plz