check out my soundcloud it's dontknowdontcare
kid just saying if your not ripped please don't take shirtless selfies.......... people can't unsee things
tjenkins i don't know if you noticed this and I'm not trying to be mean, but your posting some really unnecessary stuff. Life is a bitch get over it.
dude I get this all the time, sometimes even in pvp. It's just your connection or your minecraft. I suggest resetting your connection or...
just saying this is nowhere near my best pvping, I just woke up and thought woah some people rlly suck.
chloyybear i said in the video that if you have enough gapples, such as on a op server when you get 5 stacks every hour or something, then you eat...
[media] let me know if this is helpful at all
you know there is such a thing as /ignore right? just /ignore him. anyways meatspin isn't a porn site it's a really messed up ruse.
in my opinion, it looks like he has rapid fire hacks. The evidence to prove your case however is pretty bad, next time try a video.
It might be that he has ff or kill aura, but theres not enough solid proof in that video to ban him. You also might wanna get a different texture...
wow this is extremely humorous. All i see is random people that apply and get accepted.
djryan he has a right but he is asking for help, it would be to the conveniance of others if he were straightforward in doing so.
The person who banned you should have left a message for you to base the appeal upon. Just try to join prison they look at the message that pops up.
Vector, I was the same position that you were in. Just know that if you are banned and theres no solid proof, you can always appeal. Immaturity...
so basically if you want to get top voter you have to be serious about it(some people go overboard). You don't have to be online for the vote to...
jedi calm down this is to help the thread creator not to talk about gb and mb.
your welcome
Bajan, sorry for the others getting off topic, but if you lagged out, there's nothing anyone can do about it. If you lagged out, technically you...
Buycraft keeps a record of who buys what so that shouldn't be a problem, but for the convenience of others, you should probably do what Lionman said.
ok yea it's not a hacker, it's more of the combatlog plugin glitch. I've seen it on different servers and have experienced it before. Notice that...