Minecraftnerd234 here and im here with another post for u guys to look at. I'm back to check out all my friends from a couple years ago. Oh...
Yuuup lol
Harley Quinn is 10/10 would bang... GOALS <3
ayyy It's Minecraftnerd234 im back too lmao sup #RoosterOutForHarambe
it's lit
my pfp is my irl
lol same
Minecraftnerd234... I can't login to my frigin acc... im not banned it's just im not getting my 2 step verification email
Can a mod lock/close this? I'm unbanned now.
No 1. because people then would be able to abuse/get scammed... they might record there alt acount "Scamming" GIANT amounts of money then the mods...
Oh yeah should probably tag @PopIs_MyLife and @CypriotMerks
Just right the offers here... and people will tell you what they can buy... >.>
But it's been more than a whole 24 hours. last time i got banned i got unbanned at 12AM... if it were a totally different timeline then it would...
If making this alt isn't allowed tell me before you ban me please? I just want to know if i'll be unbanned
Well, @McNerd234 was supposed to be unbanned... Yesterday from the forums... Idk if what i'm doing atm isn't allowed but i just want to know if or...
untrustworth+ rude... No suportzzz
@kirbyo32 He doesnt hack... You can see it... Why don't you look at my previous post and prove it urself
in the video he Clearly shows him clicking on his name and popping up with a Mineverse video showing "Skydiver27" Banning somone