Ur life is a mistake
well im in a skype call and when i showed them that they were laughing bu i geuss no one laughs around u because u have no friends and btw u cant...
u had the last 127 in the game and u dropped it at spawn and XD animals can get out of the cages before the jews
What would u know about 9/11 ur in jew land not america
I am
I really cant tell what u said
same :l
Thx and which browsers dont add the www just a question
XD rakion
Trust me i dont think they would forum ban u
That was acually a the right thing to do maybe ur not that bad after all
Daniel its sad because u tried to get me and the stee flame banned with a screenshot and i feel bad for u because some one banned u and told u to...
Name: osamabi Ladin IGN: dat terrorist XD Age: ya idk I'm dead in a crate somewhere in a us government facilitygoogle maps doesn't work...
#911wasallsmartloser XD smart loser just a question if I go to ur country will u teach me to make a bomb?
sometimes when i log on to the fourms or i go to www.mineverse.com it says no file imput dose this happen to anyone else it has been happing to me...
Thx download them at -Deleted- enjoy :D
I said on dont give a if u see the client