I hated the title
How old are you? I'm am 10 and 2 months What is your in game name? nino08807 What time zone are you in? I am in the EST What country do u live you...
Ok I won't do that
Should I msg him my app
Ya how do I show it to him
How much support do u need to become a mod
I updated it now does anybody support me
Looking for support so I can be a mod any of your support would be helpful :)
I did it
Why it's a lot of detail
Why does no one support me
Bubble_kid I read yours I support u
I have a picture
Your in game name: nino08807 The offenders in game name: sjurdur034571 He scammed me for $5 in game money
how is that
How old are you? 10 What is your in game name? nino08807 What time zone are you in? Eastern time zone What country do u live you live in? USA what...