I'm a server expert. I hosted mine at home before I closed it. If you have anymore questions, just ask me :)
If you want a small server, just host it yourself
Try https://www.beastnode.com I heard they had good hosting.
This has been fixed, thanks!
Ok, thanks!
No one responded yet.
I just looked, all my permissions are messed up on all the servers. I emailed [email protected] Can an Admin fix this without the email.
Ok, Thanks!
So I'm Premium on the server. On some servers I'm not for some reason.(MY MINECRAFT CHARACTER IS D1G1TAL_PvP) Here are the screenshots: On some...
I got a new computer cause my old one broke so i don't have any proof :(
I don't have it, it was a long time ago.
So I was nino08807 and has purchased the Premium rank, and used it. I changed my name to D1G1TAL_B3AST and lost my rank I need my rank back....
Good app I support u
How do I do that
Of the old one