I found a video about a person called robin2oo5 hacking on kitpvp. robin changed name now but is this video too old to be shown? (its not mine)...
Ign:Badlionpvper (earlier name Commando2801) Rule the offender broke: Hacking Offenders Ign: ICantPvPHD [media]
i'm thinking more about killing ppl for their stuff as in normal 1v1's. If it were to be another server, it could be arenas.
Private is hacking the last moment. Look at the last part of the vid if u dont see any hacks in the main part. Private is using his killaura so...
Sorry for the bad graphics. I encoded it to upload it faster. (100 secs) hider21 Really has killaura. And watch the hole movie! Normally I always...
[media] [media] [media] HACKERS: robin2oo5 legoman12g cutting4
+ If you 1v1 some1 they run out of armour and suddenly they just tp their friends in...
Some people lag like me because there are many people + If u wanna 1v1 some1, Others join wherever you are
It could be nice to have some 1v1 arenas on op pvp because normally when I pvp teammates and sometimes a whole house of ppl come and defend with...
Mind ur own business and let a mod look at it
Lol. Ping is the problem. PING is connection!!!
Omg think
Yep my internet is good but in europe mineverse connection is terrible and i get called a noob for not being able to pvp
How old are you? = 13 Your in-game name: = Commando2801 What timezone are you in? (UTC+01:00) København, Stockholm, Oslo, Madrid, Paris What...
[media] He has anti kb
Lol at 2:50 koenWillems said: 2 hackers vs me. And we recorded him LLOL and hes using aimbot!