Thanks for the support Yin
[ATTACH] Decided to do it anyway
1. You didn't make the report cause their was nothing to report on cause it didn't happen - lying again 2. You are not a nice guy, a lot of people...
OMG STOP LYING Where is your evidence that I said that or that I griefed you, or that I trapped you. You have none cause it didn't happen!! Who...
Stop lying tobyranger, its pretty strange how you happen to reply so fast. you replied so fast because you know that you scammed me and you were...
Your ingame name: Lochie52 The offender's ingame name: tobyranger12 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming The deal was...
Your ingame name: Lochie52 The offender's ingame name: Diamond_smasher1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He wanted me to...
Your ingame name: Lochie52 The offender's ingame name: Blake_Fakhoury A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming We did a...
Thanks heaps!!!
Thanks Siena, you rock!
Trust me I'm very mature And I'm fine with losing my elite rank cause being a mod or guard is superior then elite. So I hope I'm lucky enough to...
Thanks Ichinda
Thanks Alpha, and no worries about the bow, thanks for the support
thanks again Jamis
thanks Jamis
lol thanks dude
Not sure if supporting or no lol
Edited my Application a bit, check it out!! :)
Thanks Perillz
Take a look at my Moderator Application :)