the parkour is broken :( Please fix
Wrong pic
My in game name is blueninja360 Offenders in game name is ethanater2001 He was advertising. I don't know if he Mod or not though.
Support! Good Luck!
only Mods Or Admins can do that
More Proof! He Does it Every Map
Ban him. He Admited he was killertree88
My username: blueninja360 Offenders username: killertree88 How he broke the rule: Wall Hacks. He got into a bus thats impossible to get into....
I found out how to get my other plots. I have 5 and two of them are next to each other! You do /p home:1 Or /p home:2 and so on
Im God rank
Color codes in anvils wont work. I tried it :(
But before the round starts they would jump off hijacked onto winter. Before the round starts it doesnt take fall damage