About 2% xD
Yeah true but you never know someone could be spying on you ._.
You get need to kill 5 people to get your first rofl then you can just kill people and you have rofls all the time.
Your really polite in-game. Support Good luck. c:
RainbowCookiz, I also have this problem. Once when I was on creative, someone said tpa for a Enchanted Item (Since I was so dumb that day) Well I...
Support! Nice application. Good luck c:
Hi guys! Well I had an Idea that we should have a private room where you can get xp because there is no were to get you're xp someone would steal...
Nuuuuuu ;-;
I know but last last last last Chance!
Support. Nice application.
Please just this last chance.
Because I was dumb. But now I finally decided to behave.
I know but this is it where I will behave.
Thank you <3 I will improve.
No I don't think so.
I know but I stoped.
Because I want to improve.
Really I will trust me.
I'm sorry Ducky. Please forgive me I would like to delete all the negative comments.
Hello Mineverse players! I thought about this very carefully, well I wanted to stop swearing and be mature, because its not very nice to swear at...