I havent even seen u in nasa bajan_fanboy and dopey your mean to Me on skype im trying to be nice oh and dont forget that u took my emeralds and...
I have a screen shot but it wont seem to work im on my phone so If it shows on a Computer tell me plz thanks
1. My ingame name: MrSnapper12! 2. Offenders name: Dopey_Crafter 3. What rule did they break: swearing/being rude and non-Respectful 4....
I usually play on survival and op PVP but mostly on survival
Bro, come see New Zealand awes as place ae cuzie
Will try get pics, Siena I have also seen him being rude to u to. Not nice :/
Hey fish lips I've noticed the same activity he was swearing on survival/being rude. I can help get evidence and put a stop to this. Just need a...
Ok I'll try get proof again
Come play survival or op pvp with me that would be awesome :D
Hey legends i heard from ichidna your nice and if u wanna play some time that would be great im known as MrSnapper12
Play op pvp with me or survival
dopey_crafter said the c word but spelled it with a k witness: Ichidna, Fishlips called me that word
he took my emeralds off my wall and stole nether quartz and is aqusing me of taking his emeralds
Stealing peoples things like my picks with mine cart and hopper below chests (survival)