Support. Opfactions has officially gotten too op.
Support. I agree with Fought, this server needs more staff especially staff who get on factions and opfactions. Brant is the perfect example of a...
Support, these items are very needed especially emeralds for trading with villagers.
Your ingame name: Bekky_786 The offender's ingame name: MissWubwub A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking, Killaura and...
I agree. I don't get decent ping either. I also lag a lot on the mineverse servers. I support, please relocate the host.
Yes he does hack Th3Nick56 even has evidence that he was using fast bow.
Honestly you couldnt tell if he was hacking sense you were running most of the time. It actually looks like he owned you.
If you want more proof let me know.
Died 2 times so dont judge
Your ingame name: xxBekillinxx The offender's ingame name: lionbdcraft A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
I wouldn't say it was bad, but it wasnt that great. Even though it had some twists and turns I support.
Your ingame name: xxBekillinxx The offender's ingame name: vicernice A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Bad Language...
I agree Ninja
saw it*
Get Over it youll never get revenge you it yourself i dont hack you just mad because my friends killed you and i tped them
Its Homemade
Do you like mine?
What is your IGN: DerpDoodle How old are you: 14 How long do you play faction a day: 5-6 hours Do you know anyone in the faction: UncleSurnesto Do...