Please Suport The New Infection Map Ive Made :D
I have build a New map on creative now, i cant record the map. Come on infection and check if im on and ill show you the map on creative! Please...
Cmon tin, plz answer the thread....
Tin, When are you going to Accept or deny my apeal? plz do it as quick as you can
I hope you can answer on the apeal tin. got to og now, bye bye and good night
Tin. I have posted an New thread about when i got banned for 1 week and 6 days ago.
Can you pleas tell me if i can appealy later in the week? i need to know, maby im quiting minecraft :( help me, i need to know
Can i try to appealy later? plz tell me if i can, srry spam, im just pist :(
I didnt hack, i prommis, i learn i havent done anything, i havent even used /jump since then
i had an explane, i were gonna send it
Please give me a signal if you acceted it, or denied it.
If you want me to explain something better, just ask :D thank you for using Your time on me.
I have been posting an ban appeal now tin :D hope you read it good and that you understand the situasjon
Ok, ill appeal like i did yesterday, ok?
Cmon, do i need to apeal?
plz tin, let me tell you it.
Tin, can you tell me why i got banned? i can explane the thing that happened on the video
Hey tin :D I didnt know that it was banable to go there, and it didnt say anything in the rules, but i should think of that. I just wanna ask you...
If you can tell me or help, i can give stuff or Money or what ever :D i just need to get unbanned
i dont know how