@MaxNinja10 Put it where? You're not being specific.
The friends command isn't making any sense, it says you sent a request, and nothing is there. How do we accept it? This bs doesn't make any sense.
Yeah, but the death menu gets pretty glitchy.
ImaPandaBear Advertising Evidence [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Did I not explain this in different words on the thread?
We shouldn't take fall damage on parkour. If the server is laggy and you make a jump where you're gonna take fall damage, you won't have to wait...
I do not know, @MaxNinja10. I've been on 12 since I reported the issue, I'm on 13 now, I do not think it is resolved.
ZRBoogie Spamming Evidence: [ATTACH]
Fishing rods. A troll's tools. I got knocked off the map by this little girl with a fishing rod -.- and she was my teammate! make it so you can't...
DragonBoy09 Advertising Evidence [ATTACH]
Thought it said Jacksfilms for a second XD
The sign for the promotion to level/rank 12 does not work... and many people on 11 are stuck because they can't continue. Staff, please help? The...
poopsammich Cussed at people and was being disrespectful, below is only a sample of the fight http://imgur.com/WsvY5Xr
No status.
I don't know what format to use... I'm just gonna keep it simple Name: Xx_BonnieMc_Xx Crime: Disrespect and cussed at me Other Information: Even...
The lag is so intense that you can't even jump without rubberbanding! Rubberbanding meaning, you move but get moved back (if you play Don't Starve...
A bow for me!
I reported someone using foul language in a different text form in the chat, and I reported it, and the mod that reviewed it said I made a false...
pen23 Pearson96, amaraone, ryanmatt10 Disrespect towards other players, and me. Pearson keeps mocking me failing at parkour, and says that I...
now I got it :P level 8 is fun