Do you think I care about you? I don't even know you yet you tell a kid that he sucks for no reason and then you threaten to ban me.
Pushing what?
Follow the format kid.
What a snitch. You threatened to ban me.
Noob, you can throw it from outside of spawn.
Simple, while you were PVPing you were kicked and your armor popped off. When you got back on someone killed you. I'm pretty sure you can just...
It's not a hack. You CAN simply throw an ender pearl.
So that means, you aren't meant to be mod. END OF STORY.
You aren't a mod right now, so technically you are just as the same as all of the other members. If you were meant to be mod here, then why don't...
Oh, lava is glitchy on the server. If you stay in lava for too long, you will have to wait like 30 minutes-one day to get back on and not get kicked.
I know you guys are trying to help out, but you guys should let a mod take care of this thread.
Of who? I'm just telling him that he has bad grammar.
If you can, please bolden questions or something? It hurts to look at it and is hard to read.
You're*. Learn how to spell and have better grammar. DO YOU EVEN ENGLISH? .-.
Actually, racist means to have the belief in thinking ones race is greater/superior than another race. Before you accuse hardlineninja of being...
Please, define the word 'racist'.
You're welcome
Thank you! :D