These are people who are griefing in the tree farms: kingnovak has a shop, bakabrice was building, mario1874 has a shop, wolf_skin2000 has Flint...
I cant tell you how much all teh support means to me!
There are people in the tree farms, in C with shops : joluc007 x2, lucazach has 5, evanisrad has a double chest and, texansfan74 has two shops....
Thank you Laura_or_is_it and Pown, this means so much to me!! :D
Pown Love teh colors for your Guard name!!
and thx mega
All I need is jackymacky12 right now lol
Thx everyone now all I need is Cue lol :p
yeh xD nvm
xean11 Do you have any positive ideas why i should be a guard on Mineverse Prison??
I would appreciate it a TON <3 thx
Can anyone give me positive ideas why they think I should be a Guard on Mineverse Prison.. <3
Welcome :D
thx Cue And I <3 the colors too xD <3 em!!
:) plz like and support!
How old are you? I am 11 years Old. Your in-game name: jmogirldoesMC What timezone are you in? The Mountain Timezone. What country do you live in?...
Go To Mine at [.Net] mineverse>prison (type that in Google or whatever)
ANY STAFF OF MINEVERSE PRISON, Sombra101 Is A C blocker and is in the E Mines... So PLZ jail him or something like that thing.
How old are you? I am 10 Your in-game name: jmogirldoesMC What timezone are you in? Mountain What country do you live in? The U.S What languages...