IGN: jmogirldoesMC (Yep me again ^-^) Offender's: Madninja515 Rule they broke: Hacking - Anti kb and Safewalk (Another person was hacking on...
IGN: jmogirldoesMC Offenders: Frankyboy2007 Rule they broke: I hear teamkilling is against the rules.. I apologize if it's not Proof: Yep vvvv...
No, actually I just wanted to have fun, but guess not. :l
Why not start a new one? ^^
Lets play a game shall we? Each person should say 6 random words that pop in their head and then type them. Then, someone has to reply quickly,...
IGN: jmogirldoesMC - hay again Offender: __Classified__ Rule they broke: Hacking Proof: below [MEDIA]
IGN: jmogirldoesMC - Hello again Offender's: PhoenixAscendant Rule they broke: Hacking Proof: Down below [MEDIA]
My IGN: jmogirldoesMC Offender's: CptPixels A rule they broke: Hacking Proof: Video below [MEDIA]
No problem!
grats so late too
My IGN: JmogirldoesMC Offender's: XxN1TR0FUS1ONS What they broke: threatening to 'hack my things' and Spamming in Bedwars Evidence/screenshots:...
My IGN: jmogirldoesMC Offender's: SchofalLP Rule that they broke: Hacking Proof/evidence: [MEDIA]
My name: jmogirldoesMC Offender's name: Intense_Pvp A rule that they broke: Hacking Proof: [MEDIA]
He flew across from our island to Red, and broke their bed, too, but I didn't get any screenshots of that
I do not, but he flew across the map to other teams, breaking their beds.
Your forums account name: jmogirldoesMC The offender's forums account name: doesn't have one A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
Hello. My IGN is jmogirldoesMC and There was abuse on bedwars. Please do excuse me if this is not abuse, but I do have a screenshot. My teammate...
No we are meaning everyone
I agree