How long do you play everyday? Hmm, About 2-4 hours? I Moderate Noobcrew's Skyblock server so I have that to do. How old are you? 15 What is...
Guards aren't robots. there are going to be times when they aren't on. They have the report section for a reason.
BRIAN NO! (I know he's back. c:)
No. Crew doesn't need anymore Admins to my knowledge. Admins promoting Admins would be a disaster.
Do you ever play Factions? If so plz come ;-;.
And I just noticed this. Your support is much appreciated.
A temp-ban? It's combat logging, that's too harsh of a penalty, they should lose their items, not get temped...
The questions are Bold for your convienence.
Soon as I askf or Co-Owner, everyone wants Mud. hehe
Can I be the Co-Owner? :t
Meh. Mianly the ones in hidden. >.> Yeah those sometimes are... Uh, you know.
Slaves. hue. Exaggeration. I meant like 1 or 2.
Also, disrepecting Staff doesn't get you anywhere. :P They are here to enforce the rules, and make sure players enjoy what they are playing,...
Color doesn't matter. To be honest I hate color in serious applications. But thank you anyhow.
What are your faction's PVP skills? We have only 3 Members, But I know 2 of us play KitPVp. So mine are good, in a manner. Are you ally with...
You've adpoted to many traits from Krill.
I wonder if WorldEdit can transfer it between worlds, probably not. But anyway, I've never gotten into Survival. Neutral.
You have an extra p in there. :t Anyway, your support is much appreciated.
Thanks. :D Your support is much appriciated.
._. Obviously a perm ban is semi-harsh. Temp isn't an option, mute only works when they're only online. ?