he's trash fyi
why hello there
wait wut. what happened?
How old are you? .7 Your in-game name: se7en What timezone are you in? 7 What country do you live in? 7th united by 7 What languages do you speak?...
follow me skrub.
y u no keep lehjit?!?1/!/1/?!/1/!?/!/1?1//!/1/slash?one!!1!1!1!1eleven!
that mpg nubskrubnrubsquad leader.
That's really only for Old Discussion/Moderator applications, it's his intro, it's probably preferred to bump, rather then make a new thread,...
Are you referring to my post? That's irrelevent? Donors pay for their perks. I'm just going to post this and I'll be on my way. You're just...
This thread is trainwreck. That went off course. Into a volcano, and blew up. On Topic. No. The commander is fine how it is, it's 500$, but it's...
Your ingame name: Jokata_z The offender's ingame name: Their names are featured in the video. You'll see. A description of what rule they...
;p. I didn't have my video software at the moment. Nonetheless, I believe if there is solid evidence of the hacking, it's a ban. I figured the...
Your ingame name:Jokata_z The offender's ingame name: TotallyALegitname A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Fastbow. Do I...
Don't worry, I never said you couldn't block it. It was just my ecplanation just gave some backround info. Yours would work fine.
Hm. I have a feeling this a revenge of some sort.
It would "censor" what wouldn't need to be censored. It would censor, I'm unsure if it continues and preforms the commands though. I just know,...
Anything involving "me" would be censored, as it contains that specific string, so, if you typed "me" it would have the same string, ending in a...
lol. I wasn't teaching you anything about pvp. I was emphasizing the fact that it has the word "op" in it. I presume you didn't get the American...