How is it my mistake my mistake was using the bowyour mistake was you took the wrong bow aka stealing. I'll check this report in a few hours.
Anyways doesn't it count as stealing if you take something out of my enderchest which wasn't what I had on me?
I'm not disrespecting and technically it's not a rule it's contraband it's contraband since in a irl prison you wouldn't have it it's contraband...
Are you dumb? He took a bow out of my cheest which i've never used.
Because the one I hid is better xD would you really wanna lose a power V unbreaking III flame I infinity I bow? anyways I don't care. Ima go afk...
Nope I had two bows one with Power V etc and the other which you took Power IV.
Infact it is neccisery I hid my bow and he takes my other one out of my enderchest it had the same name but had different enchants that's unfair.
Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO Moderator name: MrBeefCak3 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He jailed me for 2 hours and...
I don't care anymore btw i've made two other God bows it don't matter.
Pile will you please check the report on prison nobodies checked it.
There's no proof you so me use it and there's no proof you were even in the area where I was and you weren't you just took it off me because the...
He never saw me with the bow if he did show me the screenshot. I killed someone with it he was nowhere around me I even checked and all of a...
I put it in a chest and I was like ok jail me so he takes the bow and leaves me unjailed I would've prefered going to jail and keeping the bow...
It was a power IV infinity I Unbreaking III bow
Your ingame name:OoCreeperZoO Moderator name: Flare_snugels A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He took a bow out of my...
Also MobLord the guy I killed apparrantly has a friend who is his best friend and he's a guard and will just jail me even though I haven't used my...
Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: Cassiopia789 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Threatening to...
I think it's been moved into the right section.
No because it's not my base I can't unclaim what it's meant to do is if i'm near a base and they have super low power I should be able to over...
I'm trying to raid someone are you stupid? If I unclaim my base it'll get raided if I can't overclaim someones base since he doesn't have enough...